Sunday, February 7, 2010


That's my boy. Found um while listening to some covers for Rebel Souljahz. Found out he even made an original of his own. So here it is. Not bad, not bad at all. Love the lyrics. You can catch some of his covers here.

Zion I, SOJA, and Rebelution

Finally a concert that is available to all ages. None of this 21+ non-sense. Zion I was a new group that I had not heard before but turned out to be very good. Opened the show with some rap that got the crowd going. Then SOJA came on and pretty much was amazing. Those are some deep lyrics. Followed by Rebelution, even better than the first time I saw them.

If only I was old enough to go to the Rebel Souljahz concert that was tonight. Once again that stupid 21+ getting in the way. Could have listened to them play "Bring Back the Days."


Haven't been on this for awhile. Guess a lot has happened since last. For one, I went snowboarding for the first time! It was a pretty epic experience flying down the hill (even eating shit and falling on my face was fun). If only it wasn't so expensive and we could go every weekend! I guess I forgot to mention that it was in Canada, the next best place to Hawaii. Boarding, clubbing, and snow, everything you need for an epic weekend.

Does it really work? I can't really tell. The sleeve makes my arm tingle and feel cool, but the necklace doesn't really do anything. I guess it is all mental. Either way I like to wear it cause it looks nice.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

And the Regrets Keep Coming

Never thought that life could change so quickly. I guess it is true when people talk about reality checks. I guess this is MY reality check, my slap on the wrist so to say. There can be thousands of warnings and rules, but no matter how many there are none of them matter unless you actually follow them. You think you can get by with things but sooner or later things are gonna catch up to you. And that is when you will regret it.
So you may ask me, are Udown? No at least not for the time being, I am not down. Maybe some time in the future, but not anytime soon. No matter how fun it may seem, I'm sure it really isn't worth all the trouble.
Now for the hard part....resisting the temptations. I sure hope I can...This is the true test.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Just Because

So I have always been a PC kinda person, but nowadays everyone seems to have Macs. The Macbook Pro is an amazing computer and the different features that it has compared to PCs makes it seems a lot more user friendly. The shortcut feature of being able to view all of your windows at once and switch is probably my favorite. But then again I am a PC kinda person...Once a PC always a PC...or could that change?

Then there is this Iphone that everyone seems to be getting. If that shit wasn't so damn expensive I would definitely be down to get one. The $30 dollars a month for the media plan would empty out my bank account. If only I wasn't so lazy and got myself a job, I'd be able to play games, download apps, and browse the internet just like all the other cool people.


So a few years back I ran into this guy on Youtube and he blew me away. It is almost as if he defies gravity. Since when could a man do push ups without his feet touching the ground? If B-boying wasn't so hard, I think I'd be doing it now.

His name is B-boy Junior and one of the top breakers in the world. He competed in the Red Bull BC One competition which is the best 16 B-boys in the world that compete to find out who is "The One." This competitions objective was to take breaking back to its roots and show that B-boying is not dead and still going strong.

Here is a video of B-boy Junior at his best.


So could this be the best beatboxer in the world? He's the best I've heard by far. I'll leave it up to you to decide.